Friday, December 21, 2007

In the Beginning

I have always been interested in Money and the things that Money can provide not only for me but for other people. The Majority of people will spend hours upon hours trying to obtain it. Some will go out and buy lottery tickets, others work 80 hour weeks, some inherit millions and others make millions. Whatever way you look at it we all have to make money to be able to survive in this crazy place we call earth. My Dad always jokes around and says " you can never have enough money." I am sure you have all heard that one before. Why is it that People will go to the such an extreme just to make a few bucks? If you take the time to think about our culture you will notice that we have all became obsessed with the idea of becoming rich. That is one of the reasons that I have decided to start a blog called It's A Matter of Money. I get tired of seeing all of the Evil things happening to people because of money. Satan is real and his goal is to make us miserable. Certainly we can not give in to such a monster who is so caught up in making us suffer. One of his ultimate tools is money and we have allowed ourselves to enter onto his territory. It has become our God and the Buck stops here with by blog. I am not saying that I am perfect by any means. I like you am a natural man and in the Book of Mormon it says that the "Natural man is an Enemy to God and has been since the fall of Adam and will be forever and ever unless we yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit of GOD." We have to take control of our finances and use them to do good. There are certain laws attached to money that if obeyed will not only bring more money into our lives, but will make us happy. Isn't that the thing we really want. I will be the first to tell you that money cannot buy you happiness, but it sure helps. The lack of Money will cause just as many problems as an abundance of money. You just have to decide which side you would like to be on.

1 comment:

anne said...

Way to go honey! I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished. I like to think it's because of me and my wonderful influence. :) But I know it's all your hard work. Keep going, I won't slow you down!